Digital Forensics: The Cybersecurity Superpower

AuthorAnshita Kamble, Btech. Computer Science, Kerala Technological University, Kerala.

Digital forensics and Cybersecurity are both crucial things to know and understand if you are using any kind of science or technology. Cybersecurity is about tactics & measures to protect systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks, hackers, hijackers. These cyberattacks are aimed at accessing, modifying, or damaging sensitive information, extorting money from users, cyberbullying etc. Digital forensics involves investigation of devices, avoiding computational crimes, recovers data found in digital devices using complex tools to bring justice for exploiting or tampering private information. Digital forensics and cybersecurity go hand in hand, cybersecurity wouldn’t be as impactful if it were not for the information that digital forensics provides. Cybersecurity takes information that digital forensics has found through various cases & creates ways to prevent digital forensic investigations.

Benefits of digital forensics in cyber security:


Digital forensics has discovered its tricks & techniques to provide backdoors in cybersecurity companies to develop technology which prevents intruders from accessing a network, website, or device. An increase in cyberattacks & online bullying concerns the security of teens, cyber security software can detect relevant data to protect and constantly scan networks to make it secure.


Digital forensics has found out how viruses get onto a device or network like sending a corrupt email or file. With this information, antivirus software can pay special attention to emails and files that are coming in. Similarly, software and countermeasures developed from digital forensic information detects spyware and malware which are removed before any information is exploited or deleted.


Digital forensics recovers information using complex tools and methods to present it in a court of law. However, digital forensics has allowed cyber security to develop ways to do this via disaster recovery (DR), is an area of cyber security that is designed to protect a network, usually affiliated with a business, from a cyber-attack.


Digital forensic services compile information that can show cyber security where the typical areas of weakness are in a network or website. Cyber security software can then pay special attention or fix these areas of weakness or salted passwords

Advantages of Digital Forensics:

·       Enabling digital evidence analysis.

·       Providing insights into how crimes are committed and helping prevent future crimes 

Disadvantages of Digital Forensics:

·       A lengthy and costly procedure.

·       The need for specialized knowledge and skills.


Digital forensics isn’t just for computer geeks—it’s a crucial skill for anyone who spends time online, especially us Gen Z-ers. By understanding digital forensics, we can protect ourselves, our future careers, and help create a safer online world. So, gear up and embrace the digital detective in you. The more we know, the safer we all are!

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