By -: Stuti Singh Bsc(H) Forensic science, Vikram University, Ujjain


Suicide is a major public health issue that affects individuals across different age groups and gender. Southeast Asia accounts for roughly 40% of the estimated 800000 annual suicidal deaths.

In India suicide has more death than AIDS related (62000 in 2016) and maternal death (4500 in

2015) .As per Data from World Health Organization indicated that approximately one million

people worldwide die by suicide each year. This corresponds to one death every 40 by suicide.

According to World Health Organization (WHO) the global rate of suicide is estimated to be 11.6

per 100,000 inhabitants per year. Suicide accounts for 1.4% of total mortality and 15% of injury


10% of people with mental illness commit suicide during their lifetime and approximately 90

percent of suicide cases meet criteria for psychiatric disorders, particularly major depression,

substance use disorders, cluster B personality disorders and schizophrenia, most of them can

be either extended or are even preventable.


There has been experiment conducted by dental and medical science institute where 60

patients were selected out of which 30 were adult and 30 were adolescence and all the patients

referred are from intensive care unit SBMCH . The test conducted was based on three major

factors that affects individuals mental health -:

  • Socio economic status
  • Past psychiatry history
  • Substance use/abuse

Socio economic status -: Findings reveal increases in district suicide rates by 1.20% for 1%

increases of district unemployment, suicide rate decreases of −0.39% for 1% increases in

incomes, increases of 1.65% in suicides for 1% increasesin one-person-households and

increases in suicide rates of 0.54% for 1% decreases in single persons’ incomes as well as

suicide rate increases of 3.52% for 1% increases in CASMIN scores of individuals who moved

throughout the year preceding suicide.

Past psychiatry history -: Most studies agree that suicide is closely linked to mental disorders .

About 90% of people who commit suicide have suffered from at least one mental disorder .

Criteria for depression were found in 50–65% of suicide cases, more often among females than

males.Among 30–40% of people who die by suicide had personality disorders, such as

borderline or antisocial personality disorder.

Substance use/abuse -: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) data shows that

nearly 15% of high school students have seriously considered attempting suicide and according

to Journal of Clinical Psychiatry found that approximately 30% of adult suicide victims had a

history of substance abuse.


All three taken and considered parameters are compared between adult and adolescence .

Socio economic status

Among the adults 14 (46.7%) belonged to Lower middle, 10 (33.3%) belonged to upper middle,

5 (16.7%) belonged to upper, 1 (3.3%) belonged to lower socio-economic status. Among the

adolescents 16(53.3%) belonged to lower middle, 13 (43.3%) belonged to upper middle and

only one subject belonged to working class.

Past psychiatry history

Among the adults 12 (40%) had past psychiatry history. Among the adolescents 7 (23.3%) had

Past psychiatry history. The difference between past psychiatry history and group was

statistically not significant.

Substance use/abuse

Among the adults6 (20.0%) were used Alcohol, 4 (13.3%) were used Alcohol/ nicotine, 1 (3.3%)

were used Cannabis/ alcohol, 2 (6.7%) used nicotine. Among the adolescents 1 (3.3%) used

Alcohol/ nicotine, 1 (3.3%) used Cannabis, 1 (3.3%) used Heroin, cannabis and 6 (20.0%) used Nicotine.


The study conducted shows deliberate self-harm is present in about 26.7% in adult and 36.7%

in adolescent that means more in adolescencent. Suicidal behavior is much more common in

adolescents who have combined dependence of alcohol and nicotine. The data finding was

66.7%. Both adolescents and adults who have psychiatric illness mostly major depressive

disorder, followed by bipolar affective disorder, schizophrenia and anxiety have more

suicidalintent.26% of adults and 36% of adolescents have made at least one attempt of

deliberate self-harm. Compared to adolescents, adults who have previous history of

attempted suicide are more prone to attempt/commit suicide.




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