Expert Witness, Modus Operandi & Portrait Parle

Expert Witness, Modus Operandi & Portrait Parle.

Author: Dr. Satwik Chatterjee


[Professional Lifetime Member at South Asian Society of Criminology & Victimology (SASCV)

Ex- Member of Admin Wing & Technical Head at (C.A.S.E. 23 OFFICIAL)

Received “Honorary Doctorate Award” from (NITI Aayog, Govt. of India on 23rd February, 2024)

“World Book Record” Holder on (31st May,2024)

Received “International Brooklyn Award 2024 from (Art Society of London on 1st July, 2024)

Internationally certified ACLS,BLS,PALS,CPR & AED Provider from American Medical Association (AMA), American Dental Association (ADA), Post Graduate Institute of Medical sciences (PIMS)]

(A). Expert Witness:- An Expert Witness is a person who possesses specialized knowledge, skills, or, experience in a particular field that goes beyond the understanding of the average person. They are called upon to provide their expert opinion in legal proceedings, typically in court cases where their expertise is relevant to the issues being discussed.

              ~ Expert Witnesses play a crucial role in the legal system by providing objective & informed opinions to help judges & juries understand complex technical or, scientific matters. They are often consulted in cases involving medical malpractice, engineering disputes, intellectual property issues, financial fraud, & many other areas where specialized knowledge is mainly required.

               ~ To qualify as an expert witness, individuals must have relevant education, training & experience in their field. They must be able to demonstrate their expertise & credibility to the court. This often involves providing evidence of their qualifications, such as- Academic degrees, Professional certifications, publications & prior experience working in the field.

                ~ When called upon to testify, expert witnesses are expected to provide an impartial & unbiased options based on the facts of the case & their expertise. They are typically asked to explain complex concepts in a clear & understandable manner & to support their opinions with sound reasoning & evidence.

                ~ In preparation for trial, Expert witnesses may be questioned by both parties’ attorneys to clarify their opinions & to challenge their credibility or, the validity of their conclusions. They must be able to withstand rigorous cross-examination while maintaining their composure.

Roles – 

1. Evaluation of Evidence

2. Preparation of Reports 

3. Testimony in Court 

4. Educating the Court.

Expert Witnesses play a vital role in the legal system by providing valuable insights & expertise to help resolve complex disputes & also ensure that proper justice is served.


(B). Modus Operandi:- It’s a Latin term that translates to “Method of Operating” or, “Mode of Operation”.

In various fields, it refers to the particular way or, pattern in which someone conducts activities or, operations, like- 

  • Criminal Justice – In Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice, “Modus Operandi” refers to the characteristic method or, pattern used by a criminal to commit a crime.
              ~ This can include specific techniques, tools, timing or, other identifiable traits that are consistent across multiple instances of the criminal activity.
              ~ Understanding a criminal’s ‘Modus Operandi’ can be crucial for investigators in identifying & also apprehending suspects.

  • Psychology – In Psychology, “Modus Operandi” can refer to habitual patterns of behaviour or, cognitive processes that individuals employ in various situations.

                  ~ These patterns may be conscious/unconscious & can influence how individuals perceive, think & act in different contexts. Understanding one’s “Modulus Operandi” can be beneficial for personal development, therapy, & improving interpersonal relationships.

  • Business – In the business world, “Modus Operandi” can describe the standard procedures, practices, & strategies that a company or, organization follows to achieve its objectives.

This can include everything from operational processes & management styles to marketing tactics along with customer engagement methods. Analyzing & Optimizing a company’s “Modus Operandi” is essential for enhancing efficiency, productivity & overall performance.

  • Military – in military contexts, “Modus Operandi” refers to the tactics, techniques, & procedures (TTPs) used by armed forces to accomplish their missions & objectives.

                   ~ This can encompass a wide range of activities, including combat operations, intelligence gathering, logical support, & more.

                    ~ Understanding the “Modus Operandi” of both friendly & adversarial forces is critical for military planners & strategists in developing effective tactics & countermeasures.

  • Cybersecurity – In the realm of cybersecurity, “Modus Operandi” refers to the methods & strategies that hackers & cybercriminals use to infiltrate networks, compromise systems, & steal sensitive information.

                     ~ This can include techniques such as- Phishing, Malware deployment, Social engineering, & exploitation of vulnerabilities. 

(C). Portrait Parle – This term originating from French, means, ‘Spoken Portrait’. 

              ~ It refers to a verbal description of a person’s appearance, usually used in law enforcement or, investigate contexts when an artist isn’t available to sketch a suspect or, a missing person. 

               ~ This method relies on a witness or, a victim providing detailed descriptions of the individual’s features, such as- Hair colour, Eye shape, Facial structure, & any distinguishing marks or, characteristics.

  • In Criminal Investigations, a “Potrait Parle” can be crucial in identifying suspects or, persons of interest when there are no photographs or, other visual references available. 

                   ~ Investigators often rely on skilled interviewers or, composite artists to extract as much detail as possible from witnesses or, victims. 

These descriptions are then used to create a composite sketch or, digital rendering of the individual’s likeness.


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